Azolla Production

Azolla the super food can be used as feed for cattle, sheep, goats, pigs, rabbits and fish. It is a biofertilizer.
Women Cell

Human Rights are Women’s Rights and Women’s Rights are Human Rights. Women Empowerment is intertwined with respect for Human Rights. When women support each other incredible things happen.

United we stand for Human Rights. Education is the Vaccine for Violence. Education is our Right, Stopping Violence is our Challenge.

“True Charity is the Desire to be Useful to others without thought of Recompense”. With this motto, we extended our hands towards the economically poor and marginalized people of Thirumaiganam Village.
Tree Plantation

Striving towards a greener planet with tree plantation drives, trees help to rejuvenate air and soil. The Art of Living is focused on reviving a green earth. Main role of NSS is to conduct tree plantation awareness programs and protect as many as indigenous trees as possible.
Seed Ball Fest

Balls of clay, compost and wild tree seeds were prepared during Seed Ball Festival. Plant a tree to get oxygen free and save life.